Author: Breana Ceballos

Anime enthusiast, Hearthstone Battleground addict.

Are you ready for MORE Joss Wheadon? HBO just signed his new drama The Nevers for a straight to TV production. HBO won the series over multiple bidders and will have Wheadon serve as writer, director and executive producer for the show. The Nevers is described as an epic science fiction drama about a gang of Victorian women who find themselves with unusual abilities, relentless enemies and a mission that might change the world. Wheadon describes this as ” the most ambitious narrative I’ve created” and seems to be more than happy with HBO winning the series. Joss Wheadon responsible for Angel,…

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After Solo did so poorly at the box office Disney announced a hold off on making anymore character films. Except we now have reason to believe that Obi-Wan may still be in the works. Bellfast Telegraph reported on July 8th that the Game of Thrones Sequel will be filming in Belfast after Superman and Star Wars Epics. They say, “As Sunday Life exclusively revealed in February, Star Wars creator George Lucas visited Northern Ireland before Christmas to seal the deal for the new standalone film…The movie will centre on the life of Jedi master Obi-Wan Kenobi, with Ewan McGregor reprising…

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Man this heat is killer right, are you melting? California has issued several major heat warnings in the last few days and people have been trying to deal with it the best they can. Everyone is hopefully staying hydrated who has to be out in this heat and everyone else who has the ability to be inside with the A/C blasting should be. I got to thinking, what could I do to mentally stay cool, and it occurred to me that maybe I could trick myself into it with a playlist of some “cool” summer songs. Here is my list…

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A select group of theaters will be premiering season three of Attack on Titan tonight and tomorrow (July 10th, and 11th). They will  be showing a movie recap of season two and the first episode of season three. Tonight’s showing will be Japanese with English Subs and tomorrows will be English Dub only. Watch the trailer for it here: You can find the list of theaters you can watch this at on the Funimation Films website or you can just use good old Fandango. And with the Sailor Moon movies and stage musicals shown in American theaters this year too, it’s…

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On the Jack of All Trades Nerdbot stream with Derrick Murray and Micheal Maxwell, Micheal talked about the Lego House documentary on Netflix. Michael, @jackofalltrades, said that the documentary about this house was very very boring, only giving it 2 stars out of 5. Disappointing as that is I thought I would compile a few cool Lego commercials that are guaranteed to be way more fun to watch than a boring documentary. Here are a few Lego sets that I score 5 out of 5, I hope you enjoy! Pirates – 1994 Yo Ho Yo Ho, it’s a pirates life for…

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Ok Nerdbot readers here we are again with MORE Roseanne news. I think we can all admit that she is just on one lately. Yesterday we heard from her that she was going to have a TV interview and that she would announce said details today. Well, today she updated us with this. I don’t know how her tweeting this makes it seem like the unknown TV interviewer was being untrustworthy but I do know one thing. Her crazy is showing. I can’t think of any other reason that she would do this unless she was trying to…

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There has been a lot going on in the Spider-Man Universe. This morning J.B. Smoove was announced to star in Spider-Man: Far From Home. While Sony has not commented on the exact role that Smoove will take on it is speculated that he will star opposite Jake Gyllenhaal who will be playing the villain Mysterio. What we do know, is that earlier this week Nicholas Cage was brought back into the Marvel Universe yet again. Cage has been cast for a voice role in the new movie Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse. He will be voicing Peter Parker/Spider-Man Noir. He Joins Shameik Moore who will…

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In a tweet this afternoon Roseanne Barr announced that she will be doing a TV interview sometime this week. She has recently been laying low but will be coming back into public view very soon it seems. According to She appeared on Rabbi Shumley Boteach’s podcast and unloaded about all that has happened due to her racist tweet to Valarie Jarrett. You remember, This one.. On the show she apologized and articulated that she did not get paid to leave the show, she left of her own accord. She also announced that she is in the running to be on…

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Toys are cooland everyone who plays with them are awesome. Here at Nerdbot, we are avid toy collectors of varying fandoms. Some of our writers are also parents who have the benefit of experiencing firsthand what new playsets out there make kids lose their minds. But what about a scenario where everything in the set is seemingly pretty regular…with one part that seems kind of…off? Today, we’re hunting those sets down and exposing them for the weirdness they are! 5) Barbie Set with (Disturbing) Newborn Pups Last year before Christmas, I stumbled upon this commercial making the rounds online and…

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