Author: Heath Andrews

Heath Andrews has been a student of pop culture ever since he found himself to be the only student in 3rd grade who regularly watched "Get Smart" on Nick-At-Nite. Ever since then he's been engrossed in way too much media with a growing collection of music, books, comics, TV on DVD box sets, and a video game collection that could rival a brick and mortar store. Prior to writing for Nerdbot he's written for Review You, MyAnimeList, and various advertising companies. Since 2016 he's run his own YouTube channel under the moniker of The Critical Android where he livestreams video games and uploads podcasts about pop culture and Frasier.

The days of the arcade are long gone and yet coming back in a new way. Thanks to the company Arcade 1-Up, 3/4th sized replica arcade machines can be purchased for assembly and play in your own home. To this day the company has released a number of games including some original classics like “Pac-Man,” “BurgerTime,” and “Frogger.” They’ve also gone through the decades after them and released “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles,” “Marvel vs. Capcom,” several different “Street Fighter” versions, and so many others. Notably absent from the list were light gun games, but that omission has been rectified thanks…

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In 2018, a one-two punch was delivered by Capcom with its long-running franchise, “Mega Man.” First, it would release the 11th main numbered game after an extended series hiatus. Then, there was news of a film being made starring the blue bomber himself. This “Mega Man” film was set to be live-action, and to be written and directed by the duo of Henry Joost and Ariel Schulman. The pair alluded to a ‘big announcement’ coming during their SDCC At Home panel in 2020.And now, it would appear that Netflix has entered into an agreement to distribute the film, whenever it…

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When Warner Bros. bought up the streaming rights to streaming rights for “South Park” in order to air the show on HBO Max, it would end up leaving Comedy Central’s parent company, Viacom, in a unique position. Sure WB paid $500 million for the exclusive streaming rights over a 5-year period, but what’s Viacom going to do now? If they can’t stream “South Park” episodes on Paramount Plus, how are they going to draw the audience in? But then the answer came to them; movies. South Park creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone made a deal to make 14 original…

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Nuts and Christmas go hand-in-hand. I can personally remember the mixed nuts that my Grandmother set out for her annual Christmas party every year. And no, I’m not referring to the film “Mixed Nuts” starring Steve Martin, Rita Wilson, and Madeline Kahn. I’m talking about the kind that Planters dishes out. The nut company has been no stranger to wacky ads. Just last year they killed off Mr. Peanut, and had him rebirthed as a baby. Prior to that, Mr. Peanut was voiced by people like Robert Downey Jr. and Bill Hader. This Christmas though, they decided to go all-in…

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If you’re reading this, you’ve presumably already seen the headline. Hell, that’s probably why you’re reading this to begin with. You see a headline about a woman on an airplane, breastfeeding a cat, and you can’t help but click, I don’t blame you. What even goes through your head when you stumble across something like that? Do you think about how society is doomed? Do you think about what the feeling of a cat’s sharp teeth biting into a nipple might feel like? Or does everything just seem to collapse in on itself and feel like all and nothing simultaneously?…

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It’s a Christmas gift that’s almost too good to be true, but for one lucky person, it will be a dream come to life. As a means of promoting the “Home Alone” remake “Home Sweet, Home Alone” the McAllister home in Chicago, Illinois is available to rent on Airbnb. The property is open for only one night, but the best part about it all is the rental will only cost you $25.00. The actual house used in the John Hughes and Chris Columbus Christmas classic, is located in Winnetka, Illinois and was privately owned at the time of making “Home…

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When you think of Canada, what do you think of? Hockey? Gordon Lightfoot and his brilliant epic, “The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald?” Maybe you think about Canada’s greatest son Bryan Adams, or Ryan Reynolds. Or maybe you’re a more normal person and think about maple syrup. If you are one of those people, you’d be very much in the right as the idea of Canada being attached to the maple syrup industry isn’t just a stereotype, it’s very much true. It’s so true in fact that Canada actually has a strategic reserve of maple syrup… and it’s about to…

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Video game designer and director Hideo Kojima is known for a few big things in the video game industry. His most noteworthy creation is the “Metal Gear” series that originated back on the MSX2 computer system in 1987. Eleven years later he would craft “Metal Gear Solid” and create a piece of gaming history. The title would go on to become one of the most influential games of all time, in part for its complicated plot and storyline, accentuated by strong cinematic cutscenes and very memorable voice acting. Is it any real surprise then that Kojima wants to make movies?…

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Imagine that you’re the kind of warped person who would want to hire someone to kill another human being. Now imagine that you don’t actually know how to hire one so you decide to go online to get information about it. Now, continue to imagine that you stumble upon a site called “Rent-A-Hitman” dot com. If this is a stretch to think about, then try to take it a step further and imagine that you actually trust this site enough to submit an actual murder request to it while missing out on obvious clues that this site isn’t real. If…

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Somebody owes American Airlines some unpaid airfare as a stowaway managed to travel from Guatemala to Miami, Florida. The 26-year-old man was promptly arrested by the feds after being discovered in the wheel well of the landing gear. While this might seem like a once-in-a-lifetime occurrence, the truth is far from that. The November 27th incident is not the first time, nor will it be the last, that someone tried to stowaway in the landing gear of a plane. This particular individual is lucky to have survived. Because of the altitude planes fly at, the amount of oxygen available is…

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