In honor of the new Detective Pikachu movie that is coming out May 10th this year, the Pokemon Company has released new cards for the trading card game.
In the new cards you get to see the live action versions of the characters Mr. Mime, Jiggly Puff and Psyduck. I am hoping they release a full set of these cute little creatures because, well did you see how freaking cute the Bulbasaur was? They are planning on releasing 26 total and they will be available in promotional boxes and booster sets. The release for these cards is April 26th.
If you keep up with Nerdbot you may have seen before that this isn’t the first promotion for Pokemon in card form.
We have also been given card packs in Family sized cereal boxes by GM cereals. So Yes, I am working on my 5th box of Trix(which have the original shapes back by the way).
Are you going to collect these cards? Did you collect the original? Tell us in the comments!