While I’m not Jewish myself, I do have knowledge about some of the more important holidays associated with Judaism. For example I know that Passover is a historically significant holiday that celebrates the liberation of the Hebrews from their enslavement in Egypt. It also marks the divine act of ‘passing over’ the firstborn of the Israelites during the final plague that affected Egypt, where God ‘struck the land of Egypt,’ just prior to the Exodus.
This annual celebration commences on the 15th day and concludes on either the 21st or 22nd (for those outside of Israel or among Reform Jews) of the Nisan month, typically falling within March or April. This year, it falls on April 22nd.
During this week-long observance (or eight days for some), the consumption of leaven- whether found in bread or other mixtures- is strictly forbidden. Instead, unleavened bread, known as ‘matzo,’ is exclusively eaten. And you know what? There’s a song for that!
Famous Jewish a cappella group Six13 has created an amazing ABBA parody Passover song called “MATZA MIA!,” along with many other parodies of the famous Swedish singing group.
“If you just rewind
To an ancient time
We were slaves, you see God had heard our plea
Sayin’ “Let my people go,”
Moses came to town
But the Pharaoh just said no
And the plagues came down”
What’s even better is that if you want to sing these at your Passover Seder or a School Program, they have a downloadable song sheet with the lyrics and associated tune. With other songs like “Jews are Free” to the tune of “Dancing Queen”. Or, “Matzah Pizza” to the tune of “Mamma Mia!.” And then my personal favorite, “Gimme, Gimme, Gimme (That Matza at Midnight)” to the tune of “Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! (A Man After Midnight).” Really no matter where you stand with your taste musically you’ll probably really enjoy these parody songs.