When you go to cons you expect a certain atmosphere. You get a few different types of people. The ones who go for the merch, the ones that go for the panels and the ones that bring the fun. The fun bringers are otherwise known as cosplayers and boy do they put a lot of work into what they do. From concept to creation it takes a lot of talent to be able to pull off some epic cosplays. The ones that everyone talks about when they go home. I was scrolling on TikTok when a certain video caught my eye. A couple of cosplayers who cosplayed as Indiana Jones and the rolling boulder from “Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark.”
The cosplay was created by a couple members of the Sumisu_Cosplay family. This cosplay features a father and son duo who created the giant boulder with a frame inside. They call the creation a “shoulder boulder” so you have to stand while inside it. To get the boulder to the convention they had to make it in two separate parts. They built it in the car park and got inside. This is definitely a cosplay that you’d wear off an on during the con so that you can breathe a bit in between. How they see out of the thing though is beyond me. I met a Totoro cosplayer once who built the suit and installed a go pro camera and a screen showed the surroundings to them inside the suit, so perhaps they did something like that as well.
Anyway, enjoy this video of the father and son team running around a convention together!