Author: Breana Ceballos

Hi! I am the Managing Editor for I enjoy watching anime, learning about new things and keeping up with Nerd Culture. I love writing and hope to introduce people to things that they may not have known about before through my articles. If you think you may be interested in submitting a guest article please check out the "Write for Nerdbot" section on the main page!

Lucky Cat is one of the most popular Japanese statues on the market. They are often believed to bring good luck to the owner, and are commonly displayed in shops and homes at the entrance. but it looks like now there may be some sitting in gyms because Lucky Cat just got gains. Amazon has a very cute (but also very swole) lucky cat that we just can’t get over. If you want good luck but also the gift of muscle, you may want to grab this little guy by the paw. He comes in gold and white, so he’s sure to…

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