In a surprise move, HBO Max has given a series commitment to a tv series based on Matt Reeves‘ upcoming film, “The Batman.” The feature film stars Robert Pattinson as the caped crusader in a highly stylized detective noir story. As with the film, the tv series will be completely separate from the existing DCEU feature films.
“The Batman” director Matt Reeves said:
“This is an amazing opportunity, not only to expand the vision of the world I am creating in the film, but to explore it in the kind of depth and detail that only a longform format can afford — and getting to work with the incredibly talented Terence Winter, who has written so insightfully and powerfully about worlds of crime and corruption, is an absolute dream.”
Terence Winter, who created HBO’s “Boardwalk Empire,” Reeces, Dylan Clark (producer, “The Batman” film), and Warner Bros. Television are collectively working on this new series, which will reportedly center around the Gotham Police Department.
Chief Content Officer at HBO Max and President at TNT, TBS, and TruTV, sure made it sound like this is the first step into a larger Batman universe, and said:
“Our collaboration with Warner Bros and DC allows us to elaborate and grow fan connections across these powerful brands for years to come. This is Batman as most audiences have never seen before, and we know fans will want to spend more time in this new world inspired by the film.”
“We are so fortunate to have such great partners in Matt, Dylan, and Terry and unprecedented access to a wealth of IP from our partners at Warner Bros and DC,” Head of Original Content for HBO Max Sarah Aubrey said.
We’ll of course let you know what else we hear about this project.
“The Batman” feature film is due to hit theaters on October 1st, 2021.