Author: Adam Chmielewski

Adam Chmielewski is the latest Mid-Western transplant to take up residence in the City Of Angels. Aside from contributing to Nerdbot, he’s writing screenplays for film and television. Just like everyone else in Los Angeles.

We’re you surprised to hear Robert Pattinson will be the new Batman? The answer should be yes. I have yet to see a crystal ball big enough to predict that casting choice. Honestly I’m still a little surprised but the general consensus is if one can look beyond the Twilight movies, there’s actually a really serious actor behind Pattinson’s beautiful British face. This unusual turn of events might leave you feeling a sense of confusion… How did it happen? Why? Was there anyone else? Well fortunately for us, via The Hollywood Reporter gave some insight into the casting process.…

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I’ll tell you, one good thing about the Hollywood remake machine is the nostalgia factor. If we’re on the brink of saying goodbye to all forms of originality, at the way least I guess we can get a shot of feeling like a kid again for a couple minutes. And who better to pump the nostalgia well than the Jurassic Park franchise? I mean the whole thing is predicated on the fact that you liked dinosaurs when you were younger. The original was a shear revolution in filmmaking while the later installments seem to be more reliant on brand or…

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How does one go beyond a multiverse? To put it simply, like an old rerun of Emeril Live… you kick that sucker up a notch! But we’ll get there. For the moment let’s turn our attention to the aftermath of the events that transpired in Doomsday Clock Issue #9. If anyone hasn’t officially called it the Manhattan Metahuman Mars Massacre, I’m totally claiming it right now. That kind of alliteration should not go unacknowledged. But yes, a better chunk of the DC Comic Universe flew to the Red Planet to be easily defeated by our favorite naked blue Watchman. Seriously,…

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In case you haven’t already forgotten, DC comics launched their very own streaming service called DC Universe. And much like Warner Bothers’ extended cinematic universe, there have been a couple of issues. Whether you’re pointing the finger at the quality of the content, or simply the fact that nobody wants to pay for yet another streaming service, it’s clear a hit is so desperately needed. Which brings us to DC’s new show, Swamp Thing. Yes, Swamp Thing is still owned by DC and just as we’re on the precipice of the premiere, a fresh trailer made its way to the…

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Yes, there is a subgenre of music completely devoted to the prehistoric era.  I was surprised to learn about this because I consider myself to be somewhat musically inclined, at least when it comes to listening, and I’ve never even heard of such a category. What is dinosaur rock you might ask? If I could easily describe the sound, it encompasses several sounds.  Rock, funk, ska, punk, I would set the spectrum with the Voodoo Glow Skulls on one end and S.C.I.E.N.C.E. days Incubus on the other, somewhere in between them, only coupled with lyrics inspired by the creatures that roamed planet…

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There are so many reboots, remakes, whatever you want to call them either being made or in development right now, it’s hard to keep track of them all. Seems like I start a good amount of my articles for Nerdbot with a variation of that sentence. Disney is even rebooting Honey I Shrunk The Kids crying out loud. While I personally believe the line of originality in Hollywood is being walked rather thinly but some stories are definitely worthy of being retold. Stephen King’s It, for a long time was at the top of my list of projects in dire…

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Now I know by the headline this article can only one of two things; either Disney has finally launched their plan for global domination and are now recruiting soldiers to enforce the code of the Magic Kingdom upon us, or the their new Star Wars inspired amusement park attraction is in need of employees. Fortunately for us, Disney isn’t firing up the tanks just yet. However, they are hiring fresh faces to wear masks and bring joy to the millions people who will be attending Anaheim once the highly anticipated Star Wars World or whatever their calling it opens to…

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Believe it or not, at one point in time comic book movies were simply movies. Standalone features, the only cinematic universes they shared were their respective sequels… if they were fortunate enough to get one. Life prior to the MCU and DCEU was incredibly interesting. Don’t get me wrong, studios put headliners like Batman, or Spider-Man, or X-Men on the big screen but a couple lesser known characters also got the live action treatment. Blade, Spawn, even DC’s supernatural, chain smoking (depending on what version), detective John Constantine. Ah the Constantine franchise, something with a ton of entertainment potential but…

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Hall hail the Mentum! Which I think is either Latin for the chin or the area also known as the mental region. An under trumpeted attribute of the human face if you ask me. The chin is as equally as important in shaping the face as your forehead, eyes, nose and mouth. Sometimes it’s the final compliment to a perfectly symmetrical dome. Or sometimes it looks like you have an infant’s backside glued to the top of your neck forcing you to wipe after sneezing. Thank you Farrelly Brothers for that one. Now I’m not ready to start up the…

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I honestly hope that every single one of you have watched the 2015 short film turned lightweight cultural phenomenon, Kung Fury. It’s basically a casino buffet of an homage to 1980’s action movies, video games, and of course… martial arts.Like a great game jednoręki bandyta gry. Now if seeing Miami’s greatest hero take on Nazi’s and Dinosaurs isn’t your idea of a great time, I’m not sure what’s wrong with you. The original short got a ton of rightfully deserved attention, so much so that someone decided to greenlight the sequel. And as reported on May 16th, Kung Fury 2 will…

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