As part of Netflix’s GeekedWeek, the cast of “The Umbrella Academy” are teasing the show’s fourth and final season. The series is based on graphic novels of the same name written by Gerard Way and illustrated by Gabriel Bá. The plot revolves around a family of adopted siblings with superpowers. Who seem to find themselves needing to save the world…a lot.
In the teaser for “The Umbrella Academy,” the cast (kind of) tells fans what they can expect from the upcoming season. “It’s the best season yet,” exclaims Ritu Arya (Lila). While Elliot Page (Viktor) gives a much more reserved “excitement, surprises, and humor.” Which is really what fans have come to expect from the series.
Co-star David Castañeda (Diego) backs Page up by promising the new season is “still very, very wacky.” While Emmy Raver-Lampman (Allison) promises it is “really, really packed with the classic “Umbrella Academy” family nonsense and shenanigans that you look forward to.”
And just because “The Umbrella Academy,” is in its final season, does mean it has run out of steam. “We hit the ground running pretty quickly and put siblings through the usual amount of mayhem,” explains Tom Hopper (Luther).
Justin H. Min (Ben) sticks with his old chestnut of describing the new season as “sexy. Sexy’s always one of my words so I’m going to continue to use it.” But if you feel like the cast isn’t giving away much, you’re right. Fans “can expect us in marketing material try and dance around getting people excited without saying anything new,” Aidan Gallagher (Five) says dripping with self-awareness.
Finally, the teaser has Robert Sheehan (Klaus) sum everything up with, “Fans, expect nothing and you will gain everything.”
“The Umbrella Academy” was renewed for its fourth and final season in August 2022, roughly two months after season 3 debuted. Netflix has yet to confirm an episode count for Season 4, but rumor has it that this season will be shorter than the 10-episode runs it has previously done. There is still no firm release date set, but the new season is expected to premiere in 2024.
You can check out “The Umbrella Academy” teaser for yourself below: