Make it so number one! “Star Trek: The Next Generation” (or TNG as we like to call it) has gotten its own official line of rubber duckies! These “Star Trek” ducks come from Tubbz, who makes all kinds of fandom-related rubber ducks. Now with the help of the Enterprise crew, you’ll be able to navigate your way to the final frontier.
The folks over at JustGeek has these up for sale along with Star Trek ducks from the original series including Spock, Uhura, “Bones” and Captain Kirk. View the entire collection of rubber ducks here.
Honestly I love these rubber ducks because for me they’re a great way to introduce kids to your favorite fandoms. You can use these ducks to teach them about “Star Trek” before they have the attention span to watch an episode! Go on an adventure with the “Lord of the Rings” ducks into Mordor. Play fight Batman against the Joker! Or even play in the bubbles as the Stay Puft Man from “Ghostbusters.” The possibilities are endless!