Welcome to the greatest invention on Earth! Gautam Bose and Lucas Ochoa, creative technologists at Google Creative Lab, have created a sorting machine that you can input the specifications for. That means you can choose between sorting things like nuts and bolts, poor them in and then let the machine do the work for you. Or if you want it for more practical use, you can use it for your Lucky Charms. That is if you haven’t already bought one of those giant marshmallow bags they sell on Amazon.
They made this and have put out instructions online so that you can build it yourself. That is if you’re handy with things like this. Otherwise you could always buy the parts and then stare lovingly at you engineering friends. They used Coral and Teachable Machine and parts like Raspberry Pi so that you could easily access the things you needed to build it.
And like I mentioned before you can use it for much more than just Marshmallow sorting. Think creatively, Maybe you have a pile of beads mixed together that you’ve been meaning to sort through but you just don’t have the time. Small things that would be tedious to do by hand. Really the possibilities are endless!