If you are a Moonie like me, you have convinced yourself (albeit terribly) that you have enough memorabilia of Sailor Moon and therefore don’t need to spend your hard earned minimum wage cash on anything else. THRONE. OF. LIES. Just recently released is a mini line of new lipstick to show off your Moon Pride (get it?) Creer Beaute’s Miracle Romance, will be adding two new lipsticks to their already full line of beauty products. But this time pulling inspiration from Princess Serenity and Black Lady.
At first glance I literally thought it was Queen Beryl, then I looked closer and realized how wrong I was. But I digress my fellow readers. Two shades are available, Princess Serenity is more of a lighter pink rose tone, while Black Lady is more of a dark rouge rose tone.
They are set to be released this year in June, which will be selling for 4104 yen, which is roughly $37 usd. The price is a bit high for lipstick, but you can’t deny how beautifully designed the bottles are. I am still on the fence if I would purchase this, but more than likely I will shovel out the money for Serenity color, sadly the Black Lady one doesn’t really appeal to me. But let’s not deny how curvy that bottle is!