Author: Rick Ceballos

Its hard to explain to people under a certain age about how television used to be something you just watched instead of something you controlled. The new streaming age makes it effortless to see what you want how you want it. It wasn’t that long ago that such an idea was a luxury, where you were at the mercy of whatever television channels happened to be playing at the time. A major part of television programming that is becoming more and more of a relic is paid programming. Nowadays, watching a 30 minute show about skincare or car insurance is…

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After several delays as a result of the pandemic, Nia DaCosta’s “Candyman” is finally getting a full theatrical release on August 27th. To help reestablish excitement for the sequel to the cult classic horror film, Universal Pictures put out a brand new trailer featuring brand new footage along with a better sense of where the story is going. The original Candyman, directed by Bernard Rose, had always been steeped in addressing racism while also delivering scares. It took Clive Barker’s original short story, “The Forbidden” and expanded it to make it about the ghosts of racist violence being carried into…

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Its an odd moment when you realize you had taken something seemingly normal for granted. Especially in the last year when most of the routine events in our lives were suddenly taken away in exchange for fist fights in grocery stores over the last roll of toilet paper. You get so caught up in everything that when you get presented with something normal, it creates a wave of nostalgia. Even if it is something that was previously considered to be a chore in even the best circumstances. For parents, one of these awful events was the school play. Being trapped…

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