Author: Heath Andrews

Heath Andrews has been a student of pop culture ever since he found himself to be the only student in 3rd grade who regularly watched "Get Smart" on Nick-At-Nite. Ever since then he's been engrossed in way too much media with a growing collection of music, books, comics, TV on DVD box sets, and a video game collection that could rival a brick and mortar store. Prior to writing for Nerdbot he's written for Review You, MyAnimeList, and various advertising companies. Since 2016 he's run his own YouTube channel under the moniker of The Critical Android where he livestreams video games and uploads podcasts about pop culture and Frasier.

Neil Young is a legend in the world of folk, rock, and music in general. In the world of Spotify however, it would appear that Joe Rogan outranks the “Godfather of Grunge.” Following an ultimatum from Young earlier this week, the streaming music and podcast giant has decided to delist his music rather than follow Young’s request to address the vaccine misinformation being spewed by the podcast host. On Monday January 24th, Young wrote a letter to his manager and an executive at Warner Music, insisting that his music be pulled from Spotify due to Rogan’s podcast, “The Joe Rogan…

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Scammers will have one more obstacle to overcome if they want to try and pass off fraudulent Pokémon cards now. Online auction house eBay has decided to implement a mandatory authentication system for the sale of ungraded trading cards, as long as the value of the purchase is over $750.00. The hope is to create a better sense of trust and security in purchases as the frequency and value of trading card purchases has risen during the pandemic. It’s probably not a coincidence that this policy has come into play not long after Logan Paul spent $3.5 million for an…

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The internet is a weird place; so is Canada. So when an image is posted online that purports to be coming from the great white north, and seems to be really peculiar, how do you know if it’s real or not? Through the wonders of editing you could make all sorts of weird road signs. But what about a sign that warns you not to let moose lick your car? Is that a real thing? If so, why? Let’s find out. In November of 2020, Twitter user Carolyn Campbell posted the following: It seems absurd, but it is Canada we’re…

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More fun than a barrel full of monkeys, or so the saying goes. But what about a truck full of lab monkeys, how fun is that? Well, for the area of Danville, Pennsylvania, apparently it’s not much fun at all. Things got a little out of hand when a truck transporting 100 monkeys to a lab was involved in a crash with a dump truck. Some of the monkeys escaped into the surrounding area. Unfortunately, things didn’t end too well for them. On Friday, January 21st, an accident occurred at the junction of Route 54 and Interstate 80 near the…

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The Mighty Ducks are ready to fly again, even though it won’t be with Coach Gordon Bombay and the flying-v this time. 2021 Disney+ series “The Mighty Ducks: Game Changers” was successful enough that the streaming platform decided to renew it for a second season. One of its main draws was how it brought back Emilio Estevez to reprise his role as Coach Bombay alongside some of the original members of the Ducks team. Though we already knew that Estevez has been benched, we didn’t know who would be replacing him until now. In November of 2021, we reported Disney+…

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Sometimes naming things is hard. If you need proof, just look around in your own life and think of all the people you know who gave their kids or pets absolutely terrible names. And don’t pretend like you don’t know anyone who’s done that, we all do; yes I’m referring to you Steve. That’s right, I know you’re reading this and we both know giving your kid the first name of Duran, and the middle name of Duran, was an awful idea. [Editor’s Note: I dunno, that sounds pretty awesome, honestly.]Anyway, some scientists named a nematode after actor Jeff Daniels.…

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To say that Microsoft’s purchase of Activision Blizzard sent shockwaves through the gaming industry is a profound understatement. There are a number of questions about what other moves Microsoft might make. Also, what Sony and Nintendo are going to do in response to this, and what’s going to happen to the number of controversies the current management of Activision Blizzard find themselves in. There’s also the question of what’s going to happen to series that Activision Blizzard normally release on multiple consoles. The latter of these questions has an answer, and it comes from the highest possible source on it.…

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In 1987, “RoboCop” hit theaters and took them by storm. Director Paul Verhoeven’s satirical take on violence, gore, corporate greed, and the American criminal justice system was met with wonderful critical and financial success. It would seem though that the message of the film got lost along the way due to, ironically enough, corporate greed. All of the social commentary got thrown out the window when “RoboCop” got turned into a Saturday morning cartoon show in 1988. It also became a live-action Canadian television series in 1995, which you’ll soon be able to own on DVD and Blu-ray. Orion Pictures,…

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The idea of finding a foreign object in your food is a horrifying notion. Few things can gross people out like a story about someone finding a hair, fingernail, bandaid, bugs, or dead animals in a meal. But as bad as many of those things sound, it can get worse. While not as gross as the aforementioned items, cleaning products can be far more dangerous. When a business like a restaurant has to rely on those chemicals to keep a sanitary work environment, great caution has to be taken to make sure those items are kept away from food and…

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