The first live sighting of the Asian giant hornet has been reported for 2021
Search Results: murder hornet (22)
Those in Washington and British Columbia hoping to celebrate the end of winter may come to realize that sometimes you…
The Asian giant hornet (Vespa mandarinia) is getting a lot of press this month. The so-called “murder hornet” is scary. It is big and kills honeybees. Though as a wildlife biologist, I can tell you it isn’t much to worry about.
Giant hornets have been spotted in parts of the United States. Dubbed Murder Hornets because they have venomous stings and kill entire hives of bees.
Now you can your very own 2020 Murder Wasp memento!
“The Simpsons” have predicted our future yet again. This time pertaining to 2020 events. Pick a Simpsons’ episode for what comes next!
A moth that hasn’t been seen since 1912 was found in a mans luggage when he came back from the Philippines.
In 1980, a film called “Alligator” was released. In said film, a young girl buys a baby alligator only for…
Here’s the Honest Trailer for 2020. Thanks Screen Junkies!
Storm Crow’s new 2020 D20 die is perfect for making your next Dungeons & Dragons game feel more real than ever.