Painting by numbers is currently a popular activity for individuals of all ages. It is appropriate for every occasion, whether it be with relatives, amongst friends, or alone. But how exactly does it function? To begin, you’ll need a picture that has been broken into pieces, similar to a puzzle piece. There is a number for each form. Next, you ensure that the colour of the pigment matches the digit. Finally, you proceed to paint in the blanks and finish the picture. You can get the kit from our paint by numbers shop.
Where to start?
To be fair, there is no set guideline on where to begin. Whatever makes you happy.
Having said that, generally, people start with lighter hues. Because errors are readily concealed by applying a darker hue on top. Typically, a couple of additional applications of the lighter colour are required to create an opaque picture. To avoid smudging wet paint, attempt to move in a way that keeps your palm from coming into contact with it.
Moving from left to right is therefore advantageous if you are right-handed. Going from right to left is ideal if you are a lefty. But always work from top to bottom to avoid resting your fingers on wet colour. We also recommend starting with the bigger parts first, since this will allow you to see how your artwork is developing much faster. You will be more driven to complete the drawings, as compared to making slow progress if you begin with the smaller portions first. There are an insane amount of options to pick from. If you are a lover of nature you can start with a landscape paint by numbers kit and if you like portraits, there are numerous options to browse from.
Colouring technique:
Colours would have to be changed frequently. We suggest waiting immediately for adjacent colours to dry before painting in that region to ensure no colour blending and a sharp line. However, acrylic paint dries quickly, so you won’t have to wait much. Splash your paintbrush in the water jug, then daub it on tissue paper or old cloth.
Brush lifeline:
Take care to wash your brush completely among colours and after your painting activity. This will increase the lifespan of your brushes, which would have been ineffective if you had allowed acrylic paint to dry on the hairs. This is also valid when changing brushes; clean it fully or keep it soaking if you want to use the brush again throughout the session.
Keeping eye on drying paint:
As previously stated, acrylic paint dries rapidly. This makes for a beautiful and clean painting environment, and the colours last a lot longer. However, this implies that your painting pot may dry out before you complete your painting. Keep the lid of your paint pot securely closed anytime you don’t use it.
When you’re satisfied with the outcome, go forward and cover your artwork. When your last colour coat has been set, add a thin coating of the clear fluid that came with the kit. This will provide your paint with a glossy sheen, prevent it from dirt, and preserve its tone for a significant duration.
If you have a framing kit, you may stretch the colouring to the sides to give it a more finished appearance. For a more professional, finished effect, just wash the sides of the canvases black.