Krysten Ritter (“Marvel’s Jessica Jones”) is set to star in AMC’s “Orphan Black” spinoff series “Orphan Black: Echoes.” This follow-up series to the BBC’s hit show “Orphan Black” is still set in the same world as its flagship series but takes place in a new future. “Echoes” official synopsis says it will follow “a group of women as they weave their way into each other’s lives and embark on a thrilling journey, unravelling the mystery of their identity and uncovering a wrenching story of love and betrayal.”
“Orphan Black: Echoes” was picked up as a series back in April of 2022. It seems like the spin-off will continue the parent shows’ exploration into the scientific manipulation of human existence.
Ritter will be an executive producer as well as starring as Lucy, who is described as “a woman with an unimaginable origin story.” Viewers will follow Lucy on her journey to attempt to find her place in the world. This will be a return to AMC for Ritter, who previously played Jane Margolis on “Breaking Bad.” And if “Jessica Jones” showed us anything, she is no stranger to unimaginable backstories either.
Anna Fishko (“The Society”) will be serving as creator, writer, showrunner, and exec producer. Co-creator of the original series, John Fawcett, will be both directing and executive producing. Boat Rocker’s David Fortier, Ivan Schneeberg, and Kerry Appleyard, who also worked on “Orphan Black,” will be returning as executive producers alongside company newcomers Katie O’Connell Marsh and Nick Nantell.
“Orphan Black: Echoes” will have a 10-episode first season that will premiere on AMC+ streaming and AMC Networks channels in 2023. Stay tuned to Nerdbot for updates on this and other news.