One of the most popular original Pokémon has gotten the furniture treatment. There is now a Gengar beanbag armchair, and it’s magnificent.
The Gengar beanbag armchair is the result of a collaboration between Cellutane and Pokémon. The pair has released similar armchairs in the past, including a Ditto and Snorlax version. Additionally, there is a Poké Ball foot rest available for the ultimate Pokémon relaxation station. You can also accessorize the chair with a Pokeball or two if you’re really into the theme!
With over 800 different pocket monsters today, there is something nostalgic about seeing older characters depicted in new merchandise.
The chair measures approximately 31 inches high, 32 inches deep, and 36 inches wide. It’s a beautiful Gengar purple, and features the ghost/poison type Pokémon’s iconic grin and red eyes. Pointy ears and back spikes finish off the design.
This Gengar chair retails for ¥25,990 JPY (about $230 USD). Unfortunately, getting your hands on it may be tricky. The company is not currently shipping outside of Japan.
It’s definitely one of the best Gengar-themed products to be released. Almost as good as this naptime plushie!
If a Gengar beanbag isn’t for you, consider these Ditto and Snorlax beanbags from Yogibo.
There really is a wide variety of home goods for every Pokémon enthusiast. It’s a nice way to bring a little fun into a grownup space or kid’s playroom.