What are the benefits of arena battles for players?
Arena is a classic mode not only for WoW players, but also for many other disciplines. The arena has become so popular not only because of the awards. Here each player can feel like a real gladiator, test their skills, both in solo confrontation and in a team duel. 3v3 battles in the arena, side by side with guildmates – spectacular, beautiful and bring not only a sense of victory, but also many rewards, points and achievements. But what should beginners do? After all, with the release of add-ons and updates, the rewards change, the ratings are updated, and they did not have time to get what they wanted.
What is the arena and why does everyone go there?
The arena is a place where disputes and conflicts are resolved, a place where even during, albeit flimsy peace between the Alliance and the Horde, battles do not stop. But why? Why do all players want to conquer the arena? Looking for bonuses? PVP items and points? Let’s see.
In the arena, for victories, you get certain points, which you use as currency: Conquest. Conquest is the currency of the PVP mode, which will allow you to purchase new equipment, weapons and items available only for it. People who prefer PVE content will not be able to just farm it (equipment) or get it, no. In a way, these are unique items that are only available to fierce fighters for their victories.
The second type of currency is Honor. Honor is analogous to Conquest and its mission is the same – buying items and improving rewards for rated and even non-rated battles.
Where can I buy unrated and rated PVP items? In the Enclave, which is located in the western part of Oribos. There are 3 NPCs, 2 of them are sellers, and one can get your gear.
– Zo’kuul – sells unrated equipment for honor;
– Zo`Dash – sells both types of equipment for honor;
– Zo`Sorg – sells rating gear for conquest.
Currency farming is not so simple. The most profitable win is 1 per day, 2 win a little less, and the next win just a little. For example:
You choose a “random Battleground” and for the victory (the first) you get 300 honor, for the second – 150, and only 40 for subsequent. That is why it is so important to play a lot in the arena and farm points. There are also tasks: local, weekly, brawl and even tasks where opponents are stronger than you. They all bring a different number of awards.
3×3 arena rating boost
The new update in WoW Shadowlands has prepared a lot of surprises and rewards for players, new appearance parameters, raids, achievements, locations and modes, but the arena battles will never end. Every day, thousands of players fight for the championship and awards among themselves. Yes, they are experienced, have thousands of hours of playing experience. But, what about newbies? They also want to fight and get prizes. YES, and not only inexperience is the matter, for various reasons, you can skip the season in the arena. Do not be sad, there is always a way out!
Our organization offers boosting 3v3 WoW arena at the lowest prices for everyone. This is much easier than it might seem at first glance.
– Boosting the arena in WoW will help you get the rewards that are so necessary;
– You can earn enough arena points to become the leader of the season;
– You will receive exclusive items;
You have two options for boosting: trust a professional and let him play from your account, or play yourself under the strict guidance of a professional. If you want to learn how to play on your own, then you will be invited to the party and told what to do and how to act. So you can not only boost your skill, but also look at the game of other players.
Yes, in order to order a 3v3 arena boost, there are a number of parameters that you must meet:
– Sufficient character level;
– Sufficient level of in-game items (weapons, armor, and so on).