There’s nothing I love more than a good old-fashioned hard cover book. From the new book smell to the feel of turning each page, e-books just can’t replace the experience of a physical book. Jess and Sinclair Breen from Australia agree. The couple designed a DIY custom bookshelf for their children’s physical book collection.
As owners of a home renovation company, the bookshelf was a fairly simple feat for them. First, carefully cut out boards were drilled by a cabinet maker. Then, the couple lined up and screwed together each board to make boxes. The final design is made up of 36 boxes arranged by the couple into a flower-like shape. While gorgeous, the resulting bookshelf was large and heavy. The couple’s wall didn’t have the right framing to support such a large structure. So, they built the illusion of a wall. All of the boxes were arranged on a large piece of medium density fiberboard so that the bookshelf could be hung up.

The final result of the couple’s 16 hour project is absolutely stunning! Varying box sizes mean that books can be arranged into boxes that better match their size. These boxes also allow books to be stacked in different and interesting ways. It’s certainly a piece that will grab your attention as soon as you enter the room. These are some incredibly lucky kids! Below, you can see a brief video that explains how the couple created their dream bookshelf. This is definitely book worm goals!