Our First Look At The Upcomming Marvel Shows
During Super Bowl LIV, Marvel Studios Dropped the ” Big Game” Spot to showcase their upcomming shows. This including WandaVision, The Falcon and Winter Soldier, and Loki.
Comming off the Marvels last event, this new series takes a step back from the big screen to follow the adventures of it’s characters. While rather short, the promo teases fans with just enough to get them speculating about the series.
The Falcon & The Winter Soldier

The footage here shows the Return of Helmut Zemo as a villian, Sebastian Stans Bucky Barns back in action, as well as Anthony Mackies Sam Wilson Practicing with the shield bequeath to him.
We see a glimpse of Wyatt Russell as John Walker, while in the role as the new Captain America. Including a flight suit battle

WandaVision shows Elizabeth Olsen’s Wanda Maximoff and Paul Bettany’s Vision in domesticity in several different decades. The show had been hinted at having a surreal version of their relationship.

This is the show we saw the least of, which makes sense since it’s most likely to have the farthest release date. The Footage shows Tom Hiddlesons Loki as possibly being captured and in cuffs.
While The Falcon & The Winter Soldier is set to hit Disney plus this year, the compay announced that WandaVisions Released date would move a year earlier to 2020. Loki is Scheduled to release in 2021.
It’s been confirmed that these series will have an connection and effect on its film counterparts. Since the cancellation of the Netflix Marvel Shows, fans have been looking for more content from the MCU on the small screen.
Other shows such as She Hulk, Ms. Marvel, Moon Knight, Marvels What if and more are still in development.
Whats your opinion on the tv spot ? Was it enough for you or is it just too tantalizing ? Let us know in the comments down below !