Adam Driver returned to host Saturday Night Live. And if you recall last time he did, there was a skit with Undercover Boss and it has Kylo Ren go undercover to see how things are in The First Order. Well he did it again but this time it was a follow-up and turns out not much has changed at all. Check out the skit down below.
Gosh I just love Adam he’s the best. I hope one day he and Daisy can co-host SNL and give us Reylo shippers a fun loving skit. He even commented on the ship.
“I don’t internalize it because I don’t know that it has much to do with me. If anything, I think it has to do with the strength of the movie and what makes these movies universal and stretch across time,” Driver said. “Yes, obviously there’s a huge visual element that’s going on that’s very satisfying, it’s beautiful to look at, but no one will care if you don’t care about these human themes that are what propel the movie forward. This thing of Luke being a kid from a small town who feels like he’s destined for something great, about friendship and discovering your place among your friends, family that you’ve acquired and family that you’re tied to, things that you identify about them with and things you run away from. All these themes are the thing that make the spectacle of it more exciting and interesting.”