Adult Swim and Crunchyroll along with Alcon Entertainment are coming together to produce a new anime based on Blade Runner 2049. The new series will be called Blade Runner- Black Lotus.
The series will span 13 episodes and is being directed by Shinji Aramaki(Appleseed) and Kenji Kamiyama(Ghost in the Shell). Cowboy Bebop director Shinchiro Watanabe is acting as a creative producer.
So far there is no information about the plot but we do know that it will be set in 2032. It will include some of the characters from previous Blade Runner films and be set 17 years before Blade Runner 2049. There was a 15 minute prequel anime episode to Blade Runner 2049 and it will be set 10 year after that.
The production on this will start as soon as Aramaki and Kamiyama are wrapped up with their current series Ghost in the Shell/Stand Alone Complex. As soon as Blade Runner – Black Lotus airs it will be dubbed simultaneously and shown in English on Adult Swim and in Japanese with subs on Crunchyroll.