Author: Derrick Murray

Derrick Murray is a Los Angeles based stand up comedian, writer, and co-host for The Jack of All Nerds Show.

When I said I could probably do two full months of Uwe Boll films, I meant it. “In The Name of the King” raises an entirely different set of questions I never, ever thought I would have to ask when it comes to film. Mainly, why in the world are so many named actors in such a horrendous film? Who thought it was a good idea to have Matthew Lillard attempt a British accent? And I’m going to ask this every time because it is a question no one can answer honestly, why is Uwe Boll allowed to make films?!…

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I say this all the time, but so many of these types of action films are wholly defined by the culture of the time, specifically 90s. “Broken Arrow” checks all the boxes on every 90s action card. From the director to the plot, to the action set pieces to the cast embodying archetypes, the movie is unwavering in its devotion to 90s action tropes. This isn’t a good or bad thing, rather it is just a fact that provides the lens with which we view it 25 years later. “Broken Arrow” neither adds or subtracts from its own genre, simply…

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I understand that throughout this series I will probably break my rules more often than not. That’s why the categorization of Underrated Actor is very broad and essentially excludes A listers and that’s about it. Pretty much everyone else, be it award winning or quickly becoming household names, even some with major franchise roles in their filmography will still count. The point is more to highlight lesser known works from relatively known actors rather than dig into actors you’ve never, ever heard of. I’ll still do that eventually, but this week is not that week. This week, we’re pouring praise…

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