In 2013, professional wrestler Hulk Hogan sued the entertainment blog Gawker over publishing a sex tape of him. This legal saga is currently being developed into a new film titled “Killing Gawker.” It will be based on Ryan Holiday’s book “Conspiracy: Peter Thiel, Hulk Hogan, Gawker and the Anatomy of Intrigue.”
“Killing Gawker”
The upcoming movie is being developed by Matt Damon and Ben Affleck’s production banner, Artists Equity. Gus Van Sant (“Good Will Hunting”) will direct from a screenplay by Charles Randolph (“The Big Short”).
Artists Equity has not commented on the project at this time. However, there are rumors that Affleck may play Hogan in the film, an interesting casting choice to say the least. Then again this is the same actor that writer/director Kevin Smith swears could play the shark in “Jaws 5.” So we guess a pro wrestler would be less of a stretch than a man-eating fish.
The Lawsuit
Hogan’s case against Gawker was settled in March 2016. He was awarded a $140 million judgment against Gawker Media, founder Nick Denton, and one of its editors. A jury found that the blog violated Hogan’s privacy by posting the video and caused him to suffer severe emotional distress.
The footage was shot five years prior to Gawker releasing it and shows Hogan having sex with Heather Clem. At the time, Clem was married to Flordia shock jock Bubba the Love Sponge.
Soon after the ruling Gawker shut down its operations only to be revived in July 2021 by Bustle Digital Group. After, Bustle’s founder and CEO Bryan Goldberg acquired the blog’s assets in 2018 for $1.35 million during a bankruptcy auction. Even though Gawker closed down once again in February 2023.
There is no set release date or even a production window for “Killing Gawker” at this time. We’ll keep you posted on updates about this project as it develops. In the meantime, we’ll leave you this life advice from the Hulkster himself.
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