A three-legged bear, affectionately known as Tripod, broke into a home in Lake Mary, Florida and helped himself to some White Claws. The homeowner, Josaury Faneite-Diglio received an alert from her security camera around 5pm on Sunday, September 3rd, 2023. The home contained her 13-year-old son, Joseph Diglio, and their dog, Bruno. Luckily no one was hurt in this reverse “Goldilocks” story.

According to Diglio, he was first alerted to Tripod’s presence thanks to Bruno’s barking. He then witnessed the bear rip a makeshift door into the screen around the enclosed patio. Tripod then made his way over to the family mini-fridge and opened it in search of goodies. Diglio remarked that this was the closest he has ever been to a bear and he was scared about Tripod opening doors. This was the second time a bear broke through the patio screen, something that just comes with living in Lake Mary.
Faneite-Diglio said that Tripod got into some nearby fish food before heading to the bar. Tripod wound up taking three White Claws and went on his merry way. Apparently the mango and strawberry flavor was his preferred choice. She was not entirely scared about Tripod’s appearance at her home, he is well liked in the neighborhood.
The Bear Management Program for the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission claim Tripod was not looking for alcohol. Bears have a habit of testing foods and will bite into cans to figure out what they contain. Officials maintain that this was a random search, not a determined search for booze. There are no plans to capture Tripod, as he did not actually enter the home and only got into an “unsecured fridge.” The public should however report to wildlife officials if a bear does enter their home, for public safety.
With summer coming to an end, bears will be more actively searching for food. Lake Mary residents are urged to remove or secure anything that might attract a bear to their homes. Garbage, pet food, and bird feeders are some of the items that could attract a bear looking for food sources. Spotting a bear in the neighborhood is not an immediate cause for concern. However a bear settling down in the neighborhood should be reported as it likely found a food source. That could drive up public fear if a bear is suddenly living next door.