I’m The Chef Too has announced a new “Transformers” baking kit that features Optimus Prime, Bumblebee and more. Whether you’re a pro or a novice these kits are easy to do, with easy instructions included. Kids will love making these new Transformer Treat Pops almost as much as they will enjoy eating them. If you’re kid yells “Bumblebee!” every time they see a yellow car, this kit is for them.

Join Optimus Prime, Bumblebee and other legacy Transformers as they band together to stop Mandroid once and for all! Take part in the action as you create Transformers Treat Pops, dip them in colored chocolate and top them off with edible character wafer sheets. Share them with family and friends as you save the Earthspark world together! Are you up for the challenge?
Serving Size: 4 treats
PREORDER NOW by clicking the link here to ensure you grab yours before it releases. This releases and ships the first week of September!
This Kit Includes:
- 1 Adventure Recipe
- Pre measured Dry Ingredients
- Specialty Supplies
- Activity Guide Card
This adventure blends food, STEM, and the Arts into educational fun! Our recipes and themed projects in this kit include the following educational STEAM concepts:
- Science Too!
- Engineering Too!
- Art Too!