How many times have you wanted to present yourself to the world as a villanous botanist, but didn’t quite have the right accessories for it? We’ve all been there. Maybe you wanted to be Batman foe Poison Ivy from DC Comics, but didn’t have the right cohort. Maybe you’ve wanted to be Seymour from “Little Shop of Horrors,” but lacked the perfect Audrey II. Well good news friends, those days are over thanks to Squishable and a plush plant to die for.

Meet the Massive Squishable Venus Flytrap. Adorable? Yes. Deadly? In the right hands. With its oversized head and little tentacle arms, it seems so inviting. That is of course the first step towards your demise; or at least it would be if it was a real Venus Flytrap. This one however is absolutely benign (probably) but does have magnets in its mouth so if you needed to keep your paperclips safe or something, you have the most interesting storage vessel for them you could ever buy.

Actual Venus Flytraps aren’t dangerous to humans, and can be kept as completely safe houseplants. They aren’t poisonous, they can’t hurt a human with their trapping mechanism, and they’re safe for kids to be around and interact with too. However, the plants are endangered, so if you want one of your own maybe getting a plush one isn’t a bad idea really.

This particular oversized plus can be purchased from Squishable. While it [presumably] doesn’t sing like Audrey II does, it’s also not going to consume your spouse or destroy the world; which honestly is a pretty good trade-off all things considered. All you need now is a few Piranha Plants from the “Super Mario Bros” universe and you could have yourself a veritable plant army! You also don’t have to worry about watering it or keeping it in sunlight; just don’t let it get a taste of human blood. Trust us, it’s better that way.