It’s certainly a festive way to get one over on Arizona police. A woman was pulled over for trying to cruise the carpool lane with an inflatable Grinch. Sadly, this wasn’t convincing enough, nor seen as funny. (Though it’s definitely not the weirdest thing people have tried to use to fast track the freeway while driving solo.)

Before his heart grew three sizes, this certainly seems like a move the Grinch WOULD pull. So she gets points for that. With holiday traffic returning to more normal levels it’s little surprise that some will try to get through it more easily regardless of the risk. It’s little wonder; between the months of November and December, holiday traffic is a frustrating slog.
But Arizona police want to reiterate (and properly educate) drivers on road laws in general. As humorous as using a dummy or prop in the carpool lane may be, the police don’t appreciate it. It can set a frustrating precedent and encourage other drivers to attempt the same. The HOV lane is for high-capacity vehicles only, and that’s that.
Though there is an exception for electric vehicles with the appropriate stickers. Something that can feel mildly unfair to those who can’t afford upgrading their cars to ease a commute. Be that as it may, police aren’t impressed with the antic. Sadly, can’t be bought off with the last can of Who Hash.
If you are looking to Grinch it up this season, perhaps book a stay in The Grinch’s cave.