In an unfortunate accident in Oklahoma, a semi truck crashed on the I-40 freeway, causing traffic to be backed up for miles. It’s one thing that people’s routes were altered, it’s another thing to tell the reason why. Well, thousands of toys and lubricants were scattered all over the highway and the overturned truck completely blocked that side of the freeway. How do you explain to your boss or your wife that you were late getting to work or coming home? I suppose you just show them the broadcast.
During the news broadcast when discussing what it was they were seeing on the road they shied away from the contents of the debris. Instead of calling them what they are, Jim Gardner described them as “parcels of some sort.” Kind of cute in a “I don’t want to say what this is outloud on-air,” kind of way.
Turns out that the truck crashed near a store for adults so that’s probably most likely where it was headed.