If you’ll recall, we ran a story about a wonderful “Sweet Child O’ Mine” parody cover titled “Green Child O’ Mine,” by the Merkins on YouTube. It was the best combination of Star Wars, Baby Yoda, and Guns’N’Roses, paired perfectly with a decked out full on band of Mandalorians.
Nerdbot recently got a chance to sit down and talk with the musicians behind the song, The LA Maybe. At the time of the write up for the video, I was unaware that it was actually a collaboration of the two bands, with the Merkins providing the lyrics, and The LA Maybe providing the music.
Once you’ve heard The LA Maybe rock out though, you understand why the Merkins were so keen to have them on. The band absolutely shreds, perfectly capturing that classic rock style and powered by incredible vocals from Alvi Robinson who was one of only 4 vocalists to audition to replace Brian Johnson in AC/DC in 2016. Ya, he’s rocks THAT hard. The rest of the bad shreds too, with all of them being incredibly talented musicians. Speaking in regards to their “Green Child ‘O Mine” collaboration, band member Dallas Dwight said, “…when they (The Merkins) got in touch with Alvi and he got in touch with me, my two favorite things are probably Guns and Roses, and Star Wars, so I was like I am, I’m in.”
The video for “Green Child O’ Mine” has actually been taken down now, and from the way The LA Maybe tells it, the request to take it down came from some people in very high places, stating “…the word is. And, you know, who knows how true this is that it came from the very, very top of the organization from Axl Rose itself so that’s, that’s the story of how Axl heard us and was not too happy about it.” It’s a pretty great story in its entirety, which you can watch in the interview linked below. Luckily for us and The LA Maybe, they’ve got a ton of stuff on the horizon for our rocking pleasure.
Currently, their new single “Mr. Danger” was released on January 22, with another single “Sucker Punch” dropping on February 26th. You can listen to “Mr. Danger” where ever you get your music. If you’re a fan of rock, and long for the days of real musicians who truly love playing music and have the talent to boot, The LA Maybe is for you! Their first studio album “Dirty Damn Tricks” will be releasing on March 26th.
We also discuss how the band came to be, their influences, their recording process, as well as each band members favorite Star Wars hero and villain. You can keep up with all things The LA Maybe here for more release dates, show dates, merch and much, much more.
I had an absolute blast talking with these guys, and you should definitely put their music high on your spotify playlist. Just make sure you’re ready to rock, because The LA Maybe Delivers!