“Hocus Pocus” has become a staple of Spooky Season since it came out in theaters in 1993. It was one of the biggest Halloween hits of my childhood and I would make sure to watch it every Halloween when it aired on the Disney Channel. Back in the days when you had to look up when something was playing in the TV Guide (gasp) or the Newspaper (double gasp!).
Thanks to DarkfeastCreations on Etsy, you can get your very own Black Flame Candle to put on display year after year.
They are selling this 1:1 Replica for $52.00 and it’s totally worth it. It comes with a tiny plaque like the one in the movie and it’s battery operated. So that means that it will last you forever if you take care of it. And they also send it with a bag to keep it nice when you aren’t displaying it. Which is great because having owned the wax battery operated candles before they will get dusty if you don’t store them properly.
Note: this Black Flame Candle replica is NOT actually made from the fat of a hanged man…it’s actually real wax and LED magic. 😉
This is a 9″x3″ real wax pillar candle with led light/realistic flicker effect wick.
These are made individually by hand, so some variations in appearance will be present.
It also comes with a remote control! Cool! You can check out the listing for this item here.