Looking for more businesses to throw your money at? Try these Black owned geeky/nerdy shops that offer a variety of art and messages that may resonate more deeply than mainstream business.
These businesses have unique merch that will be sure to set your heart a flutter!
- The Quirk Shop SHOP|Instagram
You like anime, gaming, goth… witchcraft?! Well The Quirk Shop has it all! Check out their geek throwbacks with awesome messages!
2. Adorned By Chi SHOP|Instagram
Are you a magical girl/guy? Well Adorned by Chi has got you covered for that transformation from civilian to hero! Check out their wide selection from clothing to bags to accessories.
3. The Queen Supreme SHOP|Instagram
Do you like stickers and pins especially? Well have we got the shop for you! The Queen Supreme features tons of favorites, all in their unique adorable art style!
4. Fat Mermaids SHOP|Instagram
Are you a THICC chick seeking some bodi-posi apparel to sport while keeping things kawaii? Check out Fat Mermaids!
5. Pupcakes and Cupcats SHOP|Instagram
Are you a fan of cute and adorable animals and you want to sport that love? Check out Pupcakes and Cupcats for a variety of cute accessories and merch!
6. Juaso Graphics SHOP|Instagram
Fan of anime? Well so are the folk at Juaso Graphics! Check out their unique art collabs and buy a shirt or two with your favorite characters!
7. Octopus and Elephant SHOP|Instagram
Huge KPOP fan? So is Octopus and Elephant and they got you covered with Bookmarks and Pins!
8. Ota-Q Apparel SHOP|Instagram
If you are a lover of the Kawaii and Pastel, Ota-Q has so much to choose from! (If you want a masterlist of Kawaii Fashion please check out this list by Stephano.me)
9. Naturally Queer Designs SHOP|Instagram
We all know how important representation is in the geek community, so we found an awesome Queer and Black centric shop for your needs to be out, loud, and proud!
10. Legendary Rootz SHOP|Instagram
Again, we love to see representation in the geek community. Here is a shop where you can find a plethora of Black Pride merch that is cute and to the point.
11. Blerd SHOP|Instagram
Black Nerd culture has a name and it’s: Blerd. Blerd features nerdy references as well as tons of merch to represent Blerd culture.
Here are some ways you can contribute:
Support George Floyd’s family directly through their GoFundMe here.
Give to Unicorn Riot, for providing critical livestreams here.
Communities United Against Police Brutality (CUAPB) here.
National Lawyers Guild Minnesota, arrestee support here.
Donate to Black Visions Collective, organizing for Black and collective liberation here.
Support Reclaim The Block, for organizing for structural change in the city here.
North Star Health Collective (who have another great list of resources, but are not currently accepting additional donations) here.
MN Healing Justice Network and Spiral Collective is taking donations to support 100+ BIPOC Healers on the ground and in quarantine organizing here.
This live stream here.