Sesame Street just released a cute PSA that tells parents to take a moment for themselves. Now while everyone is at home and kids are out of school for the foreseeable future it’s been pretty hectic for parents. Many of us work from home or are going to school full time. Others may have just been used to getting a few hours of quiet while the kids were at school and had some time to breathe until the next ballgame or PTA meeting needed to be got to. Everything has changed and that means that we may not know what to do with ourselves.
Now we have to take on the role of teacher and still go to work everyday. And what our kids don’t understand is that even though we are home we are still working, so the questions and the requests are non stop. Well, Elmo’s dad of all people realizes that we may feel in over our heads and decided to make a nice video so that we can be reminded to take a breath.
I don’t know about you but I really needed to hear this today. Not like I was on the brink of having a break down or anything, but it’s good to be reminded to take a moment for ourselves. They also say that they have a website with tons of activities which could be utilized. So that’s definitely something I’m going to throw on for the kid while I take a moment.
Hope you are all staying safe!