Nothing screams comfort like the classic beanbag chair. And while some are basic you can usually find lots of different fandom ones. Like Snorlax or Totoro usually a big tummy in a character is key for design. Now you can get your very own Wampa bean bag chair complete with detachable arm which can be used as a pillow.

The chair runs about $149.99 which is a small price to pay for this lovely conversation piece. Any Star Wars fan would be happy to have a resting place for their butt that looks this inviting… Also you can go that extra mile and make this a seasonal thing. Since Wampa’s live on Hoth really the only appropriate time to have them out would be Fall and Winter. Merry Christmas Aunt Joan have a seat anywhere, Oh that? That’s just Wampa Willy, he won’t bite. Mind the arm though.
You can pick up your Wampa Bean Bag Chair by clicking on the link here.
*Nerdbot does not get any of the money if you purchase this item, we just thought you would like to know it exists!