While I don’t know much about bikes I do know I like the way this looks. Engineer The Q has created a bicycle that looks almost like a Dyson fan without the blades. Meaning he’s taken a bike and removed the spokes and the frame. What you get is a really nice looking bicycle that rides on a method similar to how a ball bearing spins.
The Q says: “What do you know about hubless bicycles? I’ve never seen anything like this before! So, behold – a truly hubless bicycle that works almost flawlessly! All you need – fat bike, bearings, some metal and time.”
If you look closely you’ll see that without the frame there is no where to attach the chain, but don’t worry he figured that out too. The chain wraps around the entire metal insert for the back wheel and makes it able to even change gears with the central chain system. It looks like the perfect cruising bike and I’m a big fan of the blue and black colors as well. Not only that but without the spokes you’ll have less things to catch your pants on.
Check out the video below!