If you love candy corn’s weird sense of humor then we’ve got a great piece of news for you. Walgreens is selling “Thanksgiving flavored” candy corn that has exactly what the package says. Candy corn that tastes like Thanksgiving. How you ask? Well here’s the details on the new candy, if you can call it that. Sounds more like a Bertie Bots and Beans type concoction.
The candy comes in a different flavor for each color so you get Carrot(All Orange), Green Bean(All Green), Turkey(Yellow bottom brown tip), Cranberry Sauce(All red), Sweet Potato Pie(White bottom orange tip) and Stuffing(Brown bottom white tip). So if you wanted to sort them out and have a poor man’s Thanksgiving I suppose you could. For some of us who aren’t going to be able to gather with family this year, and can’t cook this may be an option. Be it a very depressing one.
What do you think of this? Would you try it? Tell us in the comments!