I think the one thing that is probably suffering the most in your home is our pets during these quarantine times. Now let’s be honest, how many of you have actually dressed up your pets? Come on let’s see some hands. I thought so. Our pets are so patient with us, and I think they reward us by making sure that they are well known in our video chats with our bosses, or fellow classmates. but I think we all have to agree that they are incredibly patient, even my cat Onyxia, I dress her up in her watermelon dress practically everyday. So yeah I am guilty of doing that.
I thought my cat was patient. That was until I saw a video of a dog named Puggy Smalls who sits still as their owner Neil Henry performs various tablecloth tricks that ranges from a plastic tea set to other items all the while being balanced on the dog’s head. I don’t think Puggy Smalls signed up for this. But here take a look at the video for yourself and see.
This is one incredibly patient pup.