While we are all doing our best to do our part in order to keep everything under control staying home sometimes can get a bit boring. Sure you can play The Sims 4 for a few hours or so until you realize you’ve spent more time building then you have actually played. Or perhaps on Animal Crossing you’ve done all that you wanted to today. And then find out that the turnip prices are only being bought back at a small percentage of what you paid. I see you Tom nook, I know you don’t want me to make any profit jerk.
In my family watching movies was always a big thing. I think that’s why my family and I love collecting movies. I’ve seen a lot of movies in my day and honestly I think my favorite ones will always be Gone With the Wind, Casablanca, To Sir, with Love, and Back to the Future. My friend actually bought me this poster for Christmas a few years ago. It’s called 100 movies Bucket List and it is a scratch-off poster
Before you say oh it’s only for older movies not quite. It’s got a wide range of classics as well as ones that have recently come out. We’ve got Blade Runner, Stand By Me, Whiplash, Star Wars Episodes IV, V, and VI, Drive, Inception, Ghostbusters, A Clockwork Orange, and the list goes on and on. The great part about this is after you finished watching a movie you are able to scratch it off.
Just think that if you have to do the mandatory quarantine to keep everyone safe for 2 weeks this would be a great way to keep yourself entertained. So let’s say you only want to watch five movies a day, well you’ve got 20 days of movies covered. Of course you can try to binge watch all of it. I’m not here to tell you how to live your life. Or you can try to make a game of it. Write down all the names of the movies on the poster and then put it in a little bucket and then draw and see who can get a bingo first. This has been one of my favorite gifts that I’ve ever received and my husband and I love scratching off one box at a time.
You can check it out on Amazon. And while it may not be an essential item and come later than you’d like. It’s still a pretty cool investment.