Hey so the holidays are over! Time to get back in shape and cut the carbs right? Well Costco has other plans for us. Along with selling a 7lb Container of Nutella they are also now selling a 27lb Bucket of Chef’s Banquet Macaroni and Cheese!
It’s like someone is telling me something.. oh yeah my diet was ruined from the start. Of course it’s not like its Kraft Mac & Cheese which I would have had to throw down on because for some reason four year old kids love that stuff. Ok let’s face it we all do…
The Tub has 180 servings of delicious golden pasta and the best part about it is that within it are separate serving size baggies! That definitely helps keep it fresh considering they are saying that this tub alone has a 20 year shelf life. That’s insane! Like you could buy this now for your toddler and give them the tub for their college dorm. Plus they could use the 6 gallon bucket as a chair or some type of furniture when they were done with it.
This bucket of Mac will run you about $89.99 but is totally worth it. Can someone please buy this and do an experiment to see if the shelf life is really 20 years? I’ll wait for your evaluation!
What do you think is this tub of Mac and Cheese too big? Has Costco gone insane? Tell us in the comments!