Author: Ronnie Williams

Host and Producer on the Post Credits Show! It's an interactive live stream where movie fans like yourself can talk movies and get their opinion out there!

So I’ve been reading a few articles and talking with lots of folks about their theories on what is going to happen in Avengers: Endgame. The one theory I keep bumping into is that someone will go back in time and prevent Thanos from doing The Snap. I believe people are arriving at this conclusion because of two things: 1. The Time Stone is around and can manipulate time. 2. During a post credits scene in Ant-Man and The Wasp, Hank Pym mentions in that the Quantum Realm has time portals. So let’s address these two points first. Regarding the…

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I was lucky enough to catch Operation Finale on the Wednesday before its opening weekend and it left such an impact; I hope to see it again before the weekend is over. The film depicts the true story of the apprehension of the Nazi Adolf Eichmann, who escaped Germany and was hiding in Argentina after the WWII. The film blends elements of a heist-film, a spy thriller, and a historical drama to great effect. It is the chemistry between the movie’s leads that really put it over the top. Oscar Isaac, of Ex Machina and Star Wars Episode VII &…

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Despite a rumor spread around message boards that Disney was not going to release X-Men: Dark Phoenix and The New Mutants, there’s new evidence that they are still coming. Considering the production problems both films were having and the way that the “House of Mouse” has been hedging its bets lately, many were quick to jump to the conclusion that cancelling them would be best. Given that Solo: A Star Wars Story also had similar production problems and went over-budget with reshoots, you would think that Disney would want to avoid sinking more money on post-production, special effects, and promoting films that…

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Though still months away from Oscar season, people are talking about documentaries. Some chatter stems from folks growing up watching Mr. Roger’s Neighborhood, but it goes much further than that. I was warned by several sources to go into Three Identical Strangers knowing as little as possible. Documentaries are now at a level where moviegoers are concerned with spoilers that can be found in history books! Let’s examine some of the documentaries to get some buzz so far this year and how we came to this moment in film. RBG tells the life story of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. We learn…

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With Solo: A Star Wars Story coming out May 25th, it would be nice to get together with friends and revisit the original trilogy that made us all love Han Solo. When sending out invites for a watch party, the question that keeps coming back is this: “Which version do you have?” Seeing as my mom threw out our VHS copies, the only version I can easily get my hands on are the dreaded “Special Editions”. For those not in the know, George Lucas made several changes to the theatrical versions which many die-hard fans hate, such as: adding a…

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As Avengers: Infinity War approaches, like many Marvel fans, I’m looking back at the movies that led up to it. While going through the Marvel movies released last year, I noticed that they all contained storylines that involve bad father-figures. In fact, I expanded my scope to the last ten feature films that Disney had a hand in, and all of them involved dad-related plot-lines, even Cars 3! It would seem Disney loves to use these kinds of relationships to engage an audience and make it big at the box office. Let’s take a closer look with this lens at…

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