Author: Breana Ceballos

Hi! I am the Managing Editor for I enjoy watching anime, learning about new things and keeping up with Nerd Culture. I love writing and hope to introduce people to things that they may not have known about before through my articles. If you think you may be interested in submitting a guest article please check out the "Write for Nerdbot" section on the main page!

Earlier this week, J.K. Rowling revealed that her home address had been publicly released. When something of this nature happens, it’s called doxxing. It can be a very traumatic event for someone because it makes them feel vulnerable and powerless. But in this case, it’s not the full story. A group of people (who may or may not have been transgender activists) gathered at one of Rowling’s home addresses, which had been publicly online via Wikipedia (and some “Harry Potter” fan sites). Fans of Rowling’s took to Twitter after her post, claiming the domicile is NOT the known address, but…

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