Author: Breana Ceballos

Hi! I am the Managing Editor for I enjoy watching anime, learning about new things and keeping up with Nerd Culture. I love writing and hope to introduce people to things that they may not have known about before through my articles. If you think you may be interested in submitting a guest article please check out the "Write for Nerdbot" section on the main page!

Netflix started streaming Violet Evergarden on April 5th this year. The manga was written by Kana Akatsuki and illustrated by Akiko Takase and won Kyoto’s Animation Award grand prize for the Novel category in 2014. The anime ran from January 11th to April 5th 2018 in Japan and is 13 episodes long. If you were lucky enough to be at Anime Expo last year, you may remember the buzz around them screening the first episode. They were one of 3 conventions that were able to do so. Like many other anime, the main character in this series, Violet Evergarden, is…

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This tale of sadness all started when my husband and I started finally cleaning out our storage unit from the life we had before. We had stored pretty much the entire first decade of our marriage in that thing. It started innocently enough, the box of 80’s and 90’s porn my uncle had given me as my “dowry”, a box of bongs and other apparatuses, graphic novels and other kid stuff that shows how we have equally remained emotionally stunted. If it is wrong to have a Curious George sticker book that I bought at twenty-two, then I don’t want…

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Flipping through Facebook I found the coolest news any mother could get. It wasn’t baby advice or a “kid hack”. Instead it was news of a brand new Super Sentai show based on MOMS! These moms now have to juggle being a super hero with raising a kid! #Relatable! According to Toei and The show will be about three of the women from their other sentai shows. Nao Nagasawa plays Hurricane Blue from the 2002 series “Ninpuu Sentai Hurricaneger”. Ayumi Kinoshita plays as Deka Yellow from the 2004 series “Tokusatsu Sentai Dekaranger”. And Ayumi Beppu plays Magi Pink from…

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At Dark Delicacies in Burbank, California on April 17th there was an event celebrating the dvd and blu ray release of Mystery Science Theater 3000’s 11th Season. Many of the cast and writers were there including Jonah Ray, Patton Oswalt, Hampton Yount, Rebecca Hanson, Elliott Kalan, Paul Sabourin, Tammy Golden and Matt Oswalt. They had an Q&A moderated by Dana Gould along with a signing of the blu-ray and a poster. A little background on Mystery Science Theater 3000 The Return! The Goal for the Kickstarter for this project was 2 million and with over 48 thousand backers they…

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