Genre stars Ron Perlman (“Hellboy”) and Rosanna Arquette (“Signs of Love”) will lead a new horror film “Succubus.” This horror-thriller…
Search Results: ron pearlman (9)
Ron Pearlman will be voicing Optimus Primal in the 7th “Tranformers” movie.
Del Toro’s “Pinocchio” is a dazzling technical achievement in animation and a powerful, heartfelt story that will restore the magic and beauty of life in all of us. See. This. Movie.
UK Film writer Ian Nathan is bringing us a new Guillermo del Toro biography this October. The perfect book for spooky season.
For non comic book readers, their first introduction to the character Deathstroke, AKA Slade Wilson, may have been his animated…
This may be an unpopular opinion, but I believe that most fans come up with some amazing ideas from their…
“Barbie” is a catharsis shrouded in biting satire and vibrant imagination, and will stick with you longer than you might expect and just may have you doing some much needed soul searching.
Gene Wilder is getting a documentary detailing his life through the lens of his nephew Jordan Walker-Pearlman, who often visited him on set.
Grudge the cat tells you her opinions on everything from “Star Trek: Discovery” to Captain Michael Burnham in this new feline feature book.