Walt Disney Animation has released a teaser for their upcoming animated film, “Wish.” It shows more of Chris Pine’s character,…
Search Results: chris pine (106)
Dungeons & Dragons has had an interesting history in terms of its reputation and portrayal in media. Often considered to…
“Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves” star Chris Pine has finally answered some questions about ‘Spitgate,’ the viral controversy surrounding…
Did Harry Styles really spit on Chris Pine?
We still can’t get over the fact that eventually, next year even, we’ll get another live action “Dungeons & Dragons”…
During this big ol Paramount+ news day, turns out that “Star Trek 4” ISN’T DEAD. After much back and forth…
We are delighted to hear that Chris Pine has reportedly rolled a nat 20 on his charisma check, and will star in Dungeons & Dragons the movie!
Some debates will wage on through public discourse despite how silly they may be. Is “Die Hard” a Christmas movie?…
At the point when you are planning an open air space, two of the most fundamental components would be appropriate…
Riann Wilson of “The Office” isn’t happy with how “The Last of Us” portrayed cannibal David as a “bible-reading preacher”.