Disney+ is developing yet another adaptation of Gaston Leroux’s 1909 novel, “Phantom of The Opera.” This time it will be a movie aimed at young adults created by Kenny Ortega (“The Descendants”) and Giovanni M. Porta (“At Midnight”).
This project is still in the very early stages of development. It could potentially develop into a franchise like some of Ortega’s previous work like “High School Musical.”
Ortega will direct and executive produce “Phantom of The Opera” via his The KO Company productions banner. Porta has already written a spec script from a story he co-wrote with Eric Bromberg (“The 2nd”).
“Phantom of The Opera”’s Plot
Leroux’s novel is set in the 1880s. It tells the tragic tale of Erik, a mysterious, disfigured musical genius dwelling beneath the Paris Opera House. That is until he becomes obsessed with Christine, a young soprano, and begins to pull strings to make her the star of the opera.
“Phantom of The Opera,” has already been adapted countless times for the stage and screen, both big and small. Its most famous iteration is still Andrew Lloyd Webber’s Broadway version that ran for a record-breaking 35 years, from 1988 until 2023.
Exile Content and Disney Branded Television will executive produce on the project.
We’ll keep you posted on updates about Disney+’s version of “Phantom of The Opera,” as they become available.