In 2003, Disney remade its 1976 film “Freaky Friday.” This time, it starred Lindsay Lohan and Jamie Lee Curtis. There has been rumbling for years about a sequel and it looks like it will finally be happening!
In 2022, during an interview with “The View,” Curtis was asked if she would reprise her role. The actress said she was “creatively wide open” to do so. She even provided a potential pilot line for the “Freaky Friday” sequel.
“Let me be the grandma, let me be the old grandma who switches places, so then Lindsay gets to be the sexy grandma who’s still happy with Mark Harmon in all the ways you would be happy with Mark Harmon,” Curtis explained. “I would like to see Lindsay be the hot grandma, and I would like to see me try to deal with toddlers today. I want to be a helicopter parent in today’s world.”
During a recent interview on Andy Cohen’s SiriusXM show “Andy Only,” Lohan confirmed something is finally in the works. “I won’t say that yet. I don’t want to say too much,” when asked if there was a timeline for production to start.
It sounds like both she and Curtis are on board. “We are both excited. I’m gonna speak for Jamie,” she added. Not surprising, considering both actresses have been very vocal about wanting to do a follow-up film.
All of these film adaptations of “Freaky Friday” are based on the 1972 novel of the same name by Mary Rodgers. It tells the story of a mother and daughter whose bodies are switched by a magical Chinese fortune cookie. In 2018, Disney Channel turned the story into a musical movie.
We’ll keep you posted on updates about a “Freaky Friday” sequel as they become available.