April 2024 will mark 20 years since Nickelodeon first aired the hit sci-fi cartoon “Danny Phantom,” which was created by Butch Hartman. The show itself was amazing, and many fans still want more of Danny Fenton and his Ghost Zone adventures. Some fans have even suggested how well they think a live-action “Danny Phantom” project would do.
Hartman himself has weighed in on the topic of who he would pick to play the half ghost boy.
While speaking at a panel during MegaCon in Orlando, Hartman was about his thoughts on a live-action project. Hartman wants a certain web-head Marvel Cinematic Universe hero to take on the role of Danny Fenton. “Tom Holland, all the way,” Hartman said. “It’s got to be Tom Holland.“
And now that it has been spoken into the universe, we kind of see what Hartman is thinking. Holland already has the hero gig down, so he would be a great fit. IF a live-action “Danny Phantom” project ever happens, we hope Holland’s schedule would leave him available. With Hartman on board for a possible live-action movie going ghost, maybe it will be more likely to happen.
At this time there are no plans for such a project in the works. “Danny Phantom” was on the air for three years, officially ending in August 2007. Over the years, fans have taken to social media to express how much they want the series back on the air. There have even been a petition for Nickelodeon to bring the show back.
“Danny Phantom” is currently streaming on Paramount+, Prime Video, YouTube, and The Roku Channel.