Comics legend Alan Moore, creative mind behind such industry milestones as “The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen,” “From Hell,” and “V for Vendetta” has taken a very interesting stand on the matter of royalties for one of his most high-profile projects. Apparently, Moore has requested DC Comics, publisher and rights holder for most of those works, to not send him (or any other creatives on said projects) royalties from the film and television adaptation of “Watchmen.”
“I don’t really feel, with the recent films, that they have stood by what I assumed were their original principles,” Moore told the UK Telegraph. “So I asked for DC Comics to send all of the money from any future TV series or films to Black Lives Matter.”
Quite a big move on his part. At present, none of the creatives behind HBO’s “Watchmen” series have commented on their thoughts regarding this.
Moore has been candid about his feelings regarding adaptations of his work, going so far as to ‘disown‘ the HBO series.
“I didn’t mean my experiments with comics to be immediately taken up as something that the whole industry should do,” Moore continued. “When I was doing things like Watchmen, I was not saying that dark psychopathic characters are really cool, but that does seem to be the message that the industry took for the next 20 years.”