Ron DeSantis is continues to fight his land battle with Disney. The Florida governor is upset over Walt Disney World’s completely-above-board actions to limit the power of the state board DeSantis put together. DeSantis is pushing for a bill that will significantly hamper the park’s operations and practices. Including ending an exemption that allows Disney World to do safety inspections on their own rides.
But Disney is sticking to their guns. “All agreements signed between Disney and the District were appropriate, and were discussed and approved in open, noticed public forums in compliance with Florida’s Government in the Sunshine law,” the park maintains.

Sometimes It’s Better To Take The Loss
The Governor lists any number of reasons as to why Disney’s actions are unfair. From stating it’s a “sham,” to Disney giving “inadequate notice” before the deal happened. As retaliation, DeSantis’ bill threatens Disney’s property borders. He stated he could “build another theme park, prison, or state park in order to block Disney World’s expansions.”
Disney will continue to fight. They’ve proven more than once they have a solid wall of lawyers at their disposal, and the money to burn on legal proceedings. DeSantis might get far more than he bargained for. Past legal battles have proven it can be dangerous to tangle with a company as big as Disney. Disney CEO Bob Iger says DeSantis wants to “punish a company for its exercise of a constitutional right.” Claiming it’s “not just anti-business, but it sounds anti-Florida.”